Marathon Mindset Part Two

Read Part One here

Mental tips for the night before your race:

Visualize your race

See yourself running strong. Let your mind carry you through the different mile markers, seeing that you can do it. Imagine what the spectators will sound like. Spend extra time on the parts of the race you know will test you.

If you're running NYC this weekend, visualize yourself staying relaxed and not going out too fast as you cross the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge. Same thing with entering Manhattan. Know that the energy of the race can lift your pace and cause you to run faster than you should.

Write down all the reasons you're ready for this race

Whether you feel as confident as you possibly could or you're doubtful you'll even finish, it's essential to focus on the things that help your performance.

If you've been keeping a training journal, review your best workouts. Our brains tend to focus more on the negative than the positive ones. This negativity bias is why you can nail 29 workouts but have one bad one and suddenly doubt everything.

Distract yourself

You read that right. Once you have everything set out and ready, give yourself time to distance your thoughts from your race. The hay is in the barn, as they say. There's nothing left for you to do to prepare.

A lot of athletes tend to overthink their races. By giving yourself space and distracting yourself, you are minimizing the opportunities for your mind to go into overdrive and tell you you aren't ready.


January Recap


Marathon Mindset Part 1