Here's just some of what you'll learn during the workshop:

  • The science of self-sabotage

  • Why all-or-nothing thinking is holding you back

  • Common mindset traps that keep you stuck

How to get out of your own way

& stop the self-sabotage cycle so you can have the race you trained for.

Let’s unleash your full potential

Sign up to watch and get replay access for a limited time

Monday 7.10 @ 7 PM EST

Who’s teaching this workshop:

Nice to meet you, I’m Shannon

I’m a Maryland-based, full-time sport psychology consultant & founder of Mulcahy Performance Consulting.

I believe in a life of curiosity and adventure, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. I’m passionate about helping athletes reach the goals they were once too scared to set—and discover how capable they really are.